Gower Gym
Open every day 6.00am-9.00pm
For further information on joining the Gower Gym, please fill in the contact form or email llangennithhall@gmail.com
The Gower Gym at Llangennith Parish Hall is a busy and sociable gym. It opens its door to all members, adults, children, families as well as visitors to the village, 365 days a year.
It is a well-equipped gym with 6 resistance machines and 8 cardio-vascular machines.
Cardio-vascular Machines:
Cross trainer
Upright and recumbent bicycle
Resistance Machines:
Leg curl
Leg extension
Chest press
Pec deck
Lat pulldown
The gym is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health as well as keeping good muscle mass and bone density, something we all need to look after as we age. Muscle mass decreases approximately 3-8% per decade after the age of 30. With this rate of decline is even higher after the age of 60. And as we age we start to lose more bone than we form.
Doing weight bearing and resistance exercises helps to maintain muscle mass and bone density as we age.
The gym isn’t just about being super fit or looking good, doing regular cardio and weight bearing/resistance training is essential to maintaining good physical and mental well-being.
We have 4 forms of membership with all membership including free access to the circuit class:
Full adult membership available to anyone 16 years and over.
Standard membership (minimum period 1 month) is £20 per month paid by standing order or £25 per month paid in advance by cash or cheque, minimum membership one month. All new members must have an induction session and pay a deposit for their key fob. A significant number of locals use this facility and we like to think that we are contributing to the overall health of the community.Young person membership available to young persons from 12-15 years
Must be accompanied by a full paying adult member of 18+ years.
£16 per month paid by standing order or £20 per month paid in advance by cash.Family membership, available to two parents and dependent children still in full time education, all living at the same address
This offers full adult membership to those over 16 years and a young person membership to those 12-15 years of age, all with conditions shown above. For two adults and two dependants, membership is offered at a special price of £50 per month, paid in advance by standing order. Any additional dependants can be added at £10 per month each.Short term membership for visitors to the village
Holiday visitors to the village are welcome to join the gym either as Standard Members (see above) or, if experienced gym users, may take a short term visitor membership (1, 2, or 3 weeks) on signing a waiver form. At the set-up session, you will be given an entry fob programmed to let you in to the gym for the duration of your membership. You can then use the gym as much as you like during your 1, 2 or 3 weeks membership.
Fees - 1 week £10.00 (contact Marie on 07741 483562 or Jan on 07549 168361)
The Gower Gym extends a welcome to those who want to join us.